Trusted Home Inspections for Victoria and Vancouver Island


Neutral, thorough, and custom-tailored reports to help you invest with confidence. Because wouldn’t you rather know now than find out the hard way later?

"Professional headshot of Mitchell Cunningham, owner of Watchtower Home Inspections, offering home inspection services on Vancouver Island."

Your Advocate in Home Inspections:

At Watchtower Home Inspections, my focus is simple: to give you a clear, unbiased understanding of the home you’re buying or selling. My detailed, custom-written reports aren’t just checklists—they’re a roadmap for your next steps. Whether you’re tackling minor repairs or budgeting for future updates, I’m here to help you make informed decisions.

Why choose me? Because I don’t answer to anyone but the house. My inspections are rooted in accuracy, communication, and a commitment to thoroughness. And while I keep it professional, I’ll admit—I’m pretty easy to talk to.

Our Commitment to You:

We approach each property with careful attention and uncover the hidden details that truly matter. Our inspections go beyond the basics, offering insights which help you make informed choices, whether you are entering into a transaction or taking care of your property.

Operating in Victoria and South Vancouver Island

Give us a call/text on this number or e-mail us at:

Why Choose Us:

Comprehensive Inspections

We leave no stone unturned, uncovering both the evident and the hidden aspects of your property using non-invasive methods.

Education and Experience

Our Carson Dunlop education and HIABC affiliation, combined with mandatory ongoing education, set us apart as trusted and knowledgeable professionals in the industry and province.

Report Clarity

Every report is custom-written to reflect your property’s unique condition, providing clear, easy-to-understand insights. Know exactly what to budget for in the first years of ownership.

Maintaining Consumer Confidence

We maintain a professional arms-length relationship between the home inspection and real estate industries. This ensures that your interests remain our top priority, instilling confidence in the thoroughness and integrity of our inspections.

Unbiased Assessments

I provide neutral, thorough evaluations focused solely on the home, ensuring accurate insights without outside influence. Your investment deserves facts, not spin.

Education & Certification

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what our clients say:

Jack W.
Jack W.
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Ready to make informed property decisions?

Give us a call today to schedule your thorough home inspection.

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